Metro Area SDB Churches Gathering (07-16-17)
Metro Area Seventh Day Baptist Churches Gathering Washington, DC, SDB Church Rev. Helmer Umana, Pastor SDB Christian Church, Silver Spring, WV
Metro Area Seventh Day Baptist Churches Gathering Washington, DC, SDB Church Rev. Helmer Umana, Pastor SDB Christian Church, Silver Spring, WV
Ephesians 4:1-7 Jorge Velasquez, Speaker
Meeting at Layhill Community Church Silver Silver, MD Pastor Saul Alonzo
Matthew 12:1-8; Leviticus 19:9-10 Speaker – The Rev. Dr. Lawrence Watt
Acts 17:10-12 Mr. Terry Goodman, Guest Speaker
As Christians we have a greater reason to endure and overcome those difficult times in our lives. God has assured us that better times are ahead. Everything may look hopeless and useless but if we will follow the instructions of God’s word we will overcome and be victorious. The definition of victory is an overcoming […]
That really is the point of the story of Mary and Martha. Some parts of life are temporary – others are eternal. Wisdom knows the difference. Occasionally we need to put aside the work we do for the Lord and just spend some time being with him – some time learning from him, – […]
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 How we respond to the Word of God is key to how fruitful the gospel is going to be in our lives. And, unlike the situation in nature in which seed and various kinds of soil encounter each other, we do have control over how we receive and respond to the […]
For all too many people in our so called Christian society , and indeed for all too many people in the church, faith is an add on – an extra dimension to our life as it were but not really, when all is said and done, truly central to our understanding of life. Some Church […]