Sermons from January 2016

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Perseverance of the Saints (01-30-16)


“The design of this portion of the chapter is to encourage Christians in their trials by the assurance, that this formidable anti-Christian power would be overthrown, and that all the enemies of God would receive their just doom in the world of despair.” “Fearful as that doctrine is, and terrible as is the idea of […]

Study! STUDY! STUDY! (01-16-16)


The success of the church to fulfill the Great Commission lies in servant leadership. It’s the way of God. Bill Hybels notes: When God wanted His people delivered from an oppressive pharaoh, He used a leader named Moses. When he needed Jerusalem’s wall rebuilt, He used a leader named Nehemiah. When He wanted His people […]

Get Off The Sidelines (01-09-16)


World Federation Sabbath | Central SDB Church ­ Pastor Andrew Samuels has been serving as the Pastor of the Miami Seventh Day Baptist Church in Florida in the United States since June, 1988. Born on the island of Jamaica in the Caribbean, he grew up as a third-generation Seventh Day Baptist and migrated to the […]

Grace Upon Grace (01-09-16)


Una reunión del Séptimo Día Ministerio Bautista en Layhill Community Church, 1916 Bonifant Rd., Silver Spring, MD. Escuela Sabática se reúne los sábados a las 14:30, Servicio de Adoración comienza a las 4:00 PM .. Traducción Inglés disponibles. A Seventh Day Baptist Ministry meeting at Layhill Community Church, 1916 Bonifant Rd., Silver Spring, MD. Sabbath […]

Honor Your Father & Mother (01-02-16)


We honor God by honoring our parents. We are giving respect to God when we respect our parents.. This should inspire us to think differently than we have at times. We may have the tendency to be critical.  Perhaps, our parents failed us in some way. At the same time, we need to remember that […]